
Nikki and Dan:: Utah Wedding Photographer

I really enjoy telling a story with photos! I believe the story at this wedding is so easy to see, especially on the faces of the beautiful bride and handsome groom! I took Nikki's bridal photos a little while back. We had such a great time and I've been looking forward to this wedding day ever since!

Everything was perfect on this day! Nikki and Dan seem perfect for each other too! I truly enjoy photographing weddings. I enjoy the people I meet, the photos I capture, and the "sweets" I get to take home to my kids! The photos can't do this candy table justice! Believe me, it was a candy paradise. The goodie table was amazing as well!

Congratulations to Nikki and Dan, and best of luck in your new married life!!


Dasl*it Photography said...

I love your wedding photography skills... Beautiful pictures the wedding looked like it was tons of fun..

sepa said...

i agree with loyann: it does look like a good time was had by all. way to go!