

Wow! I can in no way take any credit for these photos. Normally, Jeane and I go to every photoshoot together. She assists me when I do weddings, and then I assist her when we photograph families and kids. She really enjoys working with them!

Today, our son was sleeping right when we needed to leave for a photoshoot. I told my wife that she should do it on her own, and that she didn't need me. She usually likes to have me there to help with the cameras if something isn't working right. I knew she would be fine, and that this was the perfect oppurtunity to step out of her comfort zone.

Needless to say, it looks like they had a great time. Michele is a good friend, and fellow photographer, who does some great work with kids and infants. She wanted Jeane to help her with her Valentine's Day gift for her husband. I am proud to show off my wife's work from today. Great job Jeane! I hope you still want me to come on your photoshoots?


sepa said...

jeane, you superstud! is there anything you can't do? these are excellent! thanks for sharing, maka.

Michele Reyes said...

Thank you so much Jeane!!
I am so excited to give these to Kyle. You did such a GREAT job and I had lots of fun chatting. Please let me do your lil' one's pictures in August :)

Melejane said...

Hi Jeane! It's Latu (we met at the Development Dinner earlier this year). These pictures are great! Good on you girl!